Summer Fun

By Growing Writer, Sammy Salem (Student, 5th grade)
Some things I love about summer are the sun, the pool, the breeze, and the people. I can talk for hours and hours about summer.

If you want me to go think more extravagantly. . .  I would say the Beach, the sun sets, the moon, the sun rises, the fire during camping, and the new beginnings it brings!  Just imagine the sun, the plants, the places you can go. And you definitely can’t forget about the weather, the beautiful Summer breeze, and the warm air all around you! But alas there are some cons like the dreadful bugs, those nasty little mosquitoes, and spiders! And sometimes even the weather can get a bit too hot! 

And now we move on to a happier topic! Like your friends, I know some of you have long-distance friends so you can’t see them as often . . .  But in the summer, you can go visit them because you have nothing to do, or you don’t have homework to do so you can go to so many places to visit your family or friends.

And now some family time, you have so much more time that you can watch a movie, play games, talk, ask about their day, and just relax and enjoy the day.

In conclusion, the best thing about summer is the freedom of choice!
By Sammy Salem, 5th grade student.

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