

Barnesville Parent Connection

At Barnesville School of Arts & Sciences, the Barnesville Parent Connection's (BPC) mission is to encourage unity and cooperation within the Barnesville School Community. To achieve its mission and to encourage The Barnesville Way, the BPC brings the school’s children, parents/guardians, and staff & faculty together for school events. All Barnesville School parents & guardians are automatically included in the BPC. We invite all parents to sign up for Barnesville School BPC Events to help create wonderful memories for our children!

BPC Executive Committee

Board and Staff Liasons
Tatyana Riley, Board Liaison
Dawn Wilbur, BPC Staff Liaison

BPC Executive Committee 2023 – 2024
Whitney Luther, President
Nicole Boston, Vice President
Mollie Randall, Secretary
Joanne Williams, Treasurer

Room Parent Coordinator
Kathryn Carr

Social Chair Coordinator
Jenny Hodgson

Staff Appreciation Parent Volunteer Coordinators
Lori Schilsson

Barnesville School

21830 Peach Tree Road
PO Box 404
Barnesville, MD 20838
p: 301.972.0341