Kindness is a Feeling

By Growing Writer, Marissa Rinkoff (Student, 5th grade)
Kindness is a feeling that you feel when you do something nice for someone else, like holding the door for someone, or helping them if they drop something you can pick it up so they don’t have to bend down with all their stuff in their hands. I personally have done some things to help people like picking up a pencil when the person dropped it or accidentally knocked it off their desk, table, or whatever their stuff was on. Helping someone really makes their day feel alot better, and if they're having a bad day it feels nice to have someone help you. You should try holding the door for someone and see their reaction, or pick up something if they drop it sometime. Kindness is a really important thing to know how to do, and you should try really hard to make someone’s day. If you do something nice and kind for someone, and if you’re lucky, they will do something back for you too, and it really feels good to have someone do something nice for you. You should try it, and remember, kindness is very important. So, remember to have kindness in your life and hearts, and just try, and have fun!

By Growing Writer, Marissa Rinkoff, 5th Grade Student

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