
Tuition & Fees

The Value of a Barnesville Education

For a parent, no investment could be as significant as their child’s education. We understand that you’re interested in more than the cost of private school: you want to see what value you can expect.
To us, value means providing unique and unparalleled learning opportunities that spark creativity and encourage a genuine love for learning. Partnering with local art, science, and educational organizations, we collaborate with our community in a way that gives students hands-on, real-world learning experiences that complement our cross-curricular program.

List of 4 items.

  • Tuition 2025-2026

    Middle School

    Grades 5 – 8: $30,350

    Lower School

    Grades 1 – 4: $28,250
    Kindergarten: $23,675


    Pre-Kindergarten (M–F): $14,000

    Early Childhood (3 days): $8,450
    Early Childhood (M–F): $14,000

    The two options in the Early Childhood program are either the 5-day program (Monday-Friday) or 3-day program (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday).
    • Academic, Half-day 8:00 am to 11:30 am, 3 days = $ 8,450.
    • Academic plus afternoon enrichment, Full day 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, 3 days = $ 12,925.
    • Academic, Half-day 8:00 am to 11:30 am, 5 days = $ 14,000
    • Academic plus afternoon enrichment, Full day 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, 5 days = $23,675
  • Required Fees

    Arts & Sciences Fee

    Lower School

    Early Childhood – Grade 4: $450

    Middle School

    Grades 5 – 8: $1,175

    Barnesville Parent Connection

    BPC Fee Per Student: $125
  • Optional Fees

    Preschool Enrichment [11:30-3:00 p.m.]

    Annual Weekly Rate (M – F): $9,675
    Annual Daily Rate: $2,700

    Bus Transportation

    Round Trip: $3,300
    One Way: $1,650

    Round Trip: $850 per day
    One Way: $450 per day
    Extended Care

    Early Birds

    Annual Rate, Full Time: $2,125
    Annual Rate, Part Time: $650 per 1 day

    Kids Club

    Annual Rate, Full Time: $5,400
    Annual Rate, Part Time: $1,200 per 1 day

    Tuition Refund Insurance Bundle

    EC and Pre-K: $475
    Kindergarten: $575
    Grades 1-8: $675
  • Financial Aid

    Click here for detailed information on Financial Aid.

Barnesville School

21830 Peach Tree Road
PO Box 404
Barnesville, MD 20838
p: 301.972.0341